M.Sc. Demography
The M.Sc. Demography is offered as mono study course at the University of Rostock. It is the only demographic master programm in the German-speaking area. The standard period of study amounts to 4 semesters. The study course comprises of modules on demographic methods and multivariate analyses, event data analyses, research, scientific internships, consequences of demographic change, mortality, fertility and migration as well as a broad range of elective lectures. An integrated doctoral studies path can be chosen from the third semester on.
The M.A. Demography can be accessed via the B.A. Social sciences of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and via the B.A. Sociology of the Faculty of Humanities. Prospective students from other study courses and external interested persons are kindly asked to inform about the admission requirements. Specific hints and information are provided by the person in charge of the study course and by the examination office.