Prof. Dr. Martina Dieckhoff

University of Rostock
Dept. Sociology and Demography
Ulmenstr. 69
D - 18057 Rostock

Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 43 62
Fax: +49 (0) 381 498 - 43 64


Office Hours:  by appointment 

Research Areas

  • Social Inequality
  • Labour Market Sociology
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Research Methods


Since 2021 Professor of Sociology, with Focus on  Social Structure Analysis at the Institute of Sociology and Demography, University of Rostock
2018-20021 Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research and Statistics at the Europa-Universität Flensburg
2008- 2018 Senior Researcher in the Research Unit “Skill Formation and Labor Markets” at WZB Berlin Social Science Center
2010-2011 Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute (EUI) Florence, Italy
2006 – 2008 Postdoc at the Danish National Centre for Social Research, Copenhagen
2005 – 2006 Postdoc at Nuffield College/Oxford University (funded by the Economic and Social Research Council)
2001 – 2005 Doctoral Studies "Sociology" at Nuffield College/Oxford University
2000 – 2001 Graduate Studies "Comparative Social Policy" at Nuffield College/Oxford University
1997 – 2000 Graduate Studies "Political Studies" at the Free University, Berlin


Selected Publications

  • Dieckhoff, M., & Giesecke, J. (2024). Growing or declining penalties? A cross-temporal analysis of unemployment scars in the German labor market. Social Science Research, 121. 
  • Dos Santos, S., Dieckhoff, M., Ehlert, M., & Mertens, A. (2024). Does training beget training over the life course? Cumulative advantage in work-related non-formal training participation in Germany and the UK. European Sociological Review, 40(3), 464-478. Trappe, H. (2024).
  • Dieckhoff, Martina/Gash, Vanessa/Mertens, Antje/Romeu Gordo, Laura (2020): "Partnered Women's Contribution to Household Labor Income. Persistent Inequalities among Couples and Their Determinants". In: Social Science Research, Vol. 85, S. 1-17.
  • Borgna, Camilla/Brzinsky-Fay, Christian/Dieckhoff, Martina/Holtmann, Anne Christine/Solga, Heike (2019): "Beyond Schools. The Social Embeddedness of Educational Inequality". In: Rolf Becker (Ed.): Research Handbook on the Sociology of EducationEdward Elgar, S. 575-589.
  • Dieckhoff, Martina (2018): "Frauen, Männer, Arbeitszeit. Ungleichheiten innerhalb von Paaren und der Arbeitsmarkt". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 161, S. 21-23.
  • Dieckhoff, Martina/Gash, Vanessa/Mertens, Antje/Romeu Gordo, Laura (2016): "A Stalled Revolution? What Can We Learn from Women’s Drop-Out to Part-Time jobs - A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the UK". In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol. 46 (Part B), No. December, S. 129-140.
  • Dieckhoff, Martina/Gash, Vanessa/Steiber, Nadia (2015): "Measuring the Effect of Institutional Change on Gender Inequality in the Labour Market". In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol. 39, S. 59-75.
  • Dieckhoff, Martina/Gash, Vanessa (2015): "Unemployed and Alone? Unemployment and Social Participation in Europe". In: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 35, No. 1-2, S. 67-90.
  • Dieckhoff, Martina/Gash, Vanessa/Mertens, Antje/Romeu-Gordo, Laura (2015): "Female Atypical Employment in the Service Occupations. A Comparative Study of Time Trends in Germany and the UK". In: Werner Eichhorst/Paul Marx (Eds.): Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets. An Occupational Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, S. 353-377.